On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 18:51, Hans Hagen wrote:
Peter Rolf wrote:
My only explanation: Hans has direct access to your harddisk and changes things silently in the background.... :D
ok, this was supposed to be a secret, but indeed taco and i can log into her time capsule device and move her back- and forward in time depending on how much we mess up luatex; unfortunately we could not foresee that it would broke her beloved mac
(maybe we should start a 'new laptop for mojca project')
The "project" has already been successful. Apple will send me a free replacement as soon as I come to Germany (Slovenia is not listed on their World map). As as consequence someone else will have to start providing Mac ppc binaries next month since their new OS most probably doesn't support cross-compiling for ppc any more. Mojca