Hans Hagen writes:
+++ kjl fdsa jkls +++ asdfhdsf asdf fsd ksd jkfkj qweyre uirt vncmd
not yet, since this demands some trickery in the otr; i had some experimental code working, but lost it somehow, so it's on the todo list
(a complication is that the concept of a margin is somewhat different in multicolumns)
Okay, I look forward to it, in the meantime I think I could probably hack something together with \hangafter if I need it. Another question, if it's not too much to ask people. With regular columns, I had a \widearticle macro that allowed me to end & balance two columns, have a full-size heading, and then start two new columns. Here's a picture: aa aa aaaaa aaa aa aaaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaa aaaa aa aa aaaaa aaa aa aa aa aaaaa aaa aa aaaa aaaa aaa aaa. ---------- Here is a full length heading. aaaa aaaa aaa aaaa aa aa aaaaa aaa aa aa aa aaaaa aaa aa aaaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaa aaaa aa aa aaaaa aaa aa I have been trying to do this with: \definecolumnsetspan[two][width=40pc,location=middle] \def\widearticle#1{% \startcolumnsetspan[two][]{\ArticleHeadFont #1}\stopcolumnsetspan } Simplified, because I can't even get this to work. I found this in the source. I'm not really sure what it does, but it sure sounds like it might be what I want. It seems that I could also do this with floats, but the heading really ought to be at a certain place. It really shouldn't float at all. Also I tried with: \definecolumntextarea[spanall][right][x=1,y=1,nx=2,ny=4,state=start] and ... \definecolumntextarea[spanall][right][nx=2,ny=4,state=start] I'm not sure what the state=start does. \definecolumntextarea seems to work; I am using it for the masthead. But as far as I can tell it must be known from the beginning, which is a problem because an article might end at any time. Any suggestions? -Erik Hetzner