On 23 janv. 2012, at 11:29, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
It’s not a limitation of the mechanism \startcolumns uses to make multiple columns because the same mechanism is also used by \startsimplecolumns but of the implementation of the command. When you search the list archive you can find examples with streams which permit columns in \framed etc.
Thanks fo rthe explanations: indeed with my previous setups for having each exercise with a vertical rule at its left, the following modification works fine when I need items in two columns: \startsimplecolumns \startitemize[r,packed][margin=standard,stopper=,left={(},right={)},distance=1em] \item $3x - 5 = 4$. \item $(x-1)(x+3) = 5$. \item $2 - 3x \geq 2 x - 8$. \item $(x - 1) \leq (x-1)(x+2)$. \item $2x^2 - 3x +1 < 0$. \item $x^2 - 4x \geq x - x^2 - 1$. \stopitemize \stopsimplecolumns Best regards: OK