Am 20.03.2012 um 10:10 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:
how can I define the length of footnote's rule and the distance below it? "rulecommand" doesn't seem to take these values (see below).
You have to enable you own command with “rule=command” but then you have to set rulecolor and rule thickness in your own definition (best us \blackrule for this). The distance between the rule and the notes has to be added (you use \blank) in the rule definition but a “inbetween” key would be more convenient. \def\strc_notes_place_inserts_indeed {\relax \ifdim\ht\currentnoteins>\zeropoint \endgraf \ifvmode \whitespace \noteparameter\c!before \fi % \bgroup % \setupalign[\noteparameter\c!align]% \placenoterule % alleen in ..mode % \par % \egroup + \ifvmode + \noteparameter\c!inbetween + \fi \bgroup \strc_notes_set_bodyfont \setbox\scratchbox\hbox {\strc_notes_flush_inserts}% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox {\setupcurrentnote [\c!location=, \c!width=\v!fit, \c!height=\v!fit, \c!strut=\v!no, \c!offset=\v!overlay]% \inheritednoteframed {\ifdim\dp\scratchbox=\zeropoint % this hack is needed because \vadjust \hbox{\lower\strutdp\box\scratchbox}% % in margin number placement \else % hides the (always) present depth \box\scratchbox \fi}}% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\lower\strutdepth\box\scratchbox}% \dp\scratchbox\strutdepth % so we know that it has the note bodyfont depth \box\scratchbox \egroup \endgraf \ifvmode \noteparameter\c!after \fi \fi} Wolfgang