-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear all! %%%%%%% % Source: %%%%%%% \enableregime[utf] \installlanguage[german][de] \mainlanguage[de] \setuppapersize[C5][A4] \setuplayout[width=124mm] \setupbodyfont[10pt] \setupindenting[none] \setupwhitespace[small] \setuptolerance[horizontal,strict] \setupspacing[packed] \definestartstop[Ausgabe][% before={% \setuptextrules[location=left]% \textrule[top]{Ausgabe}% },% after={\textrule},% commands={\indenting[no]}% ] \starttext \startAusgabe Kurze Sätze. Das A und O der Tagespresse!\space{} Dem Leser nur nichts zumuten. Es muss zwischen Tür und Angel passen. Alles muss schnell verdaut werden können. { \setupspacing[broad] Kurze Sätze. Das A und O der Tagespresse!\nospace{} Dem Leser nur nichts zumuten. Es muss zwischen Tür und Angel passen. Alles muss schnell verdaut werden können. } \stopAusgabe \stoptext %%%%%%% % Problem: %%%%%%% In the output the last line of the first paragraph is longer than the last line of the second paragraph. Logically, the last line of the second paragraph supposed to be longer, because there is more space between the sentences. Is there a blank (space), with a wrong interpretation at the last punctuation mark or is it a bug or what is the reason? - -- Gruß Bernd Kosubek Unsigned eMails are not from me. eMail: kosubek@sksatz.com Fingerprint: C121 F3C2 A6DD 1ACD A9BC F0AF 1289 2AEC B7C4 D63B Keyserver: blackhole.pca.dfn.de (oder andere) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2-rc1-SuSE (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFI7zJ1Eokq7LfE1jsRAlbrAJ9xUxuJFuLtAWunzWn+uqnhY0XbnwCbBMjT OISFd44KkchZi3R7IH0LZFo= =OWXc -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----