On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 6:31 PM, Uwe Koloska
still working on the CD Design, I tried to understand the layer mechanism. After some reading and trying I have found a problem with the parameter 'corner'. The following setting doesn't work with the corner parameter but only with numeric placement of the reference point:
Another way to get the same result, to get the layout on a A4 page you have to set extra values for TEXpage. \setuppapersize[CD][CD] \starttext \startTEXpage %\startTEXpage[width=210mm,height=297mm,align={middle,lohi}] \bTABLE[width=.5\paperwidth,height=.5\paperheight,align={middle,lohi}] \bTR \bTD[background=screen,m=2] BLOCK 2 \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD[background=screen] BLOCK 1 \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \stopTEXpage \stoptext But layers are more fun and you have more control over the layout. Wolfgang