Dear list, I have the following enumeration block. \defineenumeration[verse] \setupenumeration[verse] [alternative=leftmargin, text=, width=fit, distance=1em, way=bysection] I actually want to (flush) left align the enumeration's number inside the left margin and give it a blue color. But even if I have \setupmargindata[inleftmargin][color=bblue4,align=flushleft] there is no alignment, no color. However, if I do \setupenumeration[verse] [alternative=leftmargin, text=, width=\leftmarginwidth, headcolor=bblue4, distance=0em, way=bysection] I am able to get the desired effect. Is this the 'correct' way to do it? I mean to ask, am I doing something wrong with \setupmargindata or is this expected behaviour. Thanks, kauśika