Hello everybody, hello Wolfgang, Since I've needed to typeset some letters I'd test the last béta letter module. The result is realy great (the signature is a the right place). I'd just need to use \setuplabeltext[fr][letter:enclosure={P.J.\,:\kern\spaceamount},letter:subject=Objet\,: ] in order to have the right traductions for « subject ». Some small things : — changing the interligne space dont change it in the « fromaddress » — why can't I put all the \setupletter in the same section ? for exemple : \setupletter [place=Paris] [place] [separator={, le }] don't work, and I need to use : \setupletter [place=Paris] \setupletter [place] [separator={, le }] Anyway, thank's a lot, it work's great ! Cheers, Olivier. -- [Message tapé sur un clavier Bépo : http://www.clavier-dvorak.org ] http://nemolivier.blogspot.com