2010/2/26 Vedran Miletić je napisal:
is minimals supposed to have the same output using MkII as TeX Live 2009? Or have I missunderstood what does it mean that 'MkII is frozen'?
It is declared frozen, but it may still happen that something changes unintentionally (and bugs that are easy to fix might be fixed as well).
I ask because I get different results on same document. I'm using Palatino font. It seems related to spacing between letters in "il" and "ij" that is larger in current minimals. Any ideas why?
No. Can you please send a sample tex & both pdf documents? (If it's bigger than 40 or 60 kb, you need to post it somewhere.) There was a big difference between TL 2008 and now (when the whole font has been replaced from URW to TeX Gyre), but I see no reason why you should get a different result now. Mojca