Am 15.06.2014 um 15:35 schrieb Hans Hagen
On 6/14/2014 11:28 AM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
Dear list,
if I’m not wrong, elements are defined and configured in ConTeXt with \defineelement and \setupelement in the preamble of the document. Then they can be invoked using the identifier as a command.
\definemargindata[MyMarginData][location=outer] \starttext \MyMarginData{Zapf}\input zapf \stoptext
My question is; why are blank elements different?
\defineblank[MyBlank][10*big] \starttext \input zapf
\input zapf \stoptext
Sorry for the basic question, but I’m trying to understand the reason why to explain it to others.
Are there other elements that cannot be invoked with \identifier?
in retrospect one can wonder if we should have \MyMarginData at all and not \invoke{MyMarginData} …
The second method is already possible for some commands, e.g. - \margindata[inmargin]{…} and - \startnamedsection[chapter] and has only to be extended. Wolfgang