Hello Everyone I have been using the following setup (provided by Wolfgang on this list) to format my chapter headings till now. However, it does not work since I upgraded by context installation today. If the entire *\startlinealignment .... \stoplinealignment* block is copied outside the setups then it works fine. So the change must have been in the interface for *setups*. Please let me know if there has been a change OR I have made some kind of mistake. Thank you, Devendra Ghate ----------------------------- \startsetups[head:margin] \startlinealignment[left] \startframed [width=1cm, height=3cm, frame=on, align={flushleft,nothyphenated,verytolerant,low}] \headtextcontent \stopframed % \inmargin[location=outer,align={right}]{% \framed[% width=3cm, height=3cm, align={bottom,middle}, frame=on]{\headnumbercontent} } \stoplinealignment \stopsetups \defineheadalternative[margin][renderingsetup=head:margin] \definehead[dchapter][chapter] \setuphead[dchapter][alternative=margin] \starttext \dchapter{Inexpensive Monte Carlo} \stoptext -------------------------------- -- Cheers, Devendra.