En/na Xan ha escrit:
En/na Xan ha escrit:
En/na Xan ha escrit:
Is it possible to "split" a0 paper into a4? I want to write context document in a0 size but printing into 16 a4. Is it possible. If it's, surely it's with ConTeXt! ;-)
I found a page [http://nxg.me.uk/docs/posters/] dedicated for printing posters in LaTeX. In section "3.1 Printing onto multiple sheets", it provides two resources: - epssplit [http://home.clara.net/nox/software/epssplit/] - poster [ftp://ftp.es.ele.tue.nl/pub/users/jos/poster/]
It seems that the first it's only EPS dependant. Is there any way to pass the ConTeXt pdf output to eps?
And it seems that the second it's only PS dependant. Is there any way to pass pdf to ps?
Can you CCme? Thanks a lot, Xan.
PS: I found nothing in contextgarden and in the official manual related to "poster".
Ah!, perhaps some guy who want to help wants to know that in CTAN there is a section dedicated to posters in LaTeX:
Cheers, Xan.
The following methods work: 1) pdf2ps prova.pdf prova.ps ./poster -iA0 -mA4 -pA0 prova.eps > prova2.pdf 2) convert prova.pdf prova.ps ./poster -iA0 -mA4 -pA0 prova.ps > prova2.pdf The pain is that we have to move to ps or eps. pdfposter [http://pdfposter.origo.ethz.ch/] seems that leave this prerequisite, but it does not work for me as better as poster works, because the first does not put marks to margins in the split pages (A4 in my case). Xan.