Hello, ** "H. Özoguz" [2014-01-16 12:11:09 +0100]:
Looks like you should install a command line ?zip? program. ePub is a zipped format.
Thanks, Hraban.
But what does that mean exactly, I have installed 7zip and besides that, Windows can natively zip any file. What exactly to do to install an "command line zip program" and to get over this error.
I didn't try to generate EPUB but may give some hints. First, 7zip allows to create different kinds of archives, compressed or not and to extract content of archive created in most popular formats. Windows has "built-in" capability to "natively" opens zip archives BUT not (AFAIR) to create them. In your case context needs a program able to create an archive in ZIP. Surprisingly there is program named 'zip.exe' (it is called that on Windows) that context uses to create ZIP. You can download this program on this site: http://www.info-zip.org/Zip.html Next, you should place this program to a directory (aka "folder" on Windows) mentioned in PATH variable. --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- Famous last words: (1) Don't unplug it, it will just take a moment to fix. (2) Let's take the shortcut, he can't see us from there. (3) What happens if you touch these two wires tog-- (4) We won't need reservations. (5) It's always sunny there this time of the year. (6) Don't worry, it's not loaded. (7) They'd never (be stupid enough to) make him a manager. (8) Don't worry! Women love it!