First I thought I found the reason for not-working in a typo: the module is called m-editsnc, the respective file in the source is named m-edtsnc. But renaming the file doesn't improve much. I assumed the following should work: \enablemode[demo] \usemodule[m-editsnc] \doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput} \chardef\editsynctracemode=3 \starttext \chapter{Test} \processfile{tufte} \startitemize \item first \item second \stopitemize \processfile{tufte} \startlines some local \editsync sync and \editsynctext{here}a marked point some local \editsync sync and \editsyncnode{here}a marked point \stoplines \stoptext But it ends up in (complete error see below): ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! The same with m-pdfsync: ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! Someone can help here? Thanks, Steffen ----------------------------------------- ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [grouping levels=255]. \setnormalbaselines ...lineheight \fi \begingroup \scratchdimen \minimumstru... \spacing ...pthfactor \by #1\\\setnormalbaselines \setstrut <inserted text> ...getspacing \spacing \!!plusone \everypar \emptytoks \forgetall ->\the \everyforgetall \editsynctracer ...e \else \begingroup \forgetall \disableeditsync \ifcase \... \dosetstrut ...int \setbox \strutbox \normalhbox { \vrule \!!width \zeropoint... ... l.191 \chapter{Test} ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! Transcript written on Ohne-Titel.log. TeXExec | runtime: 0.554228