On Fri, 27 Apr 2007 21:02:10 +0800
"Zhichu Chen"
Hi luigi
Actually, my module should not be called as "module," it's just an extension to Hans' Chinese module. My module only defined some macros to handle some strange needs of Chinese traditional book style. Hans' "\startvertical . . . \stopvertical" pair couldn't typeset that style very well, so I \setupunicodefont[chinese] to change its command option and define my own commands to handle chinese glyphs to avoid conflictions.
I really hope Hans could add my module as a third part module in case some Chinese guys could typeset nice traditional Chinese books.
Before that, I will cleasing some rubbish---actually, a lot---of my module. What else should I do?
Hi Chen, can you put your module on your webspace with a few comments about what is not perfect, can be done better ... I don't know if I have time than to look into the code but it would be nice to see what happende since December and it is also a box lesson for users. Wolfgang