6 Aug
6 Aug
2:42 p.m.
Hans Hagen schrieb:
ConTeXt MKiV goes beta.
no big problems on windows. only - texmfstart.exe is missing in the binaries - pdftex should be updated to 1.40.5 - luatools.lua: (e)shell output needs a crlf after the last line (prompt is printed directly after the runtime output) - the default font sizes for latin modern differ in pdftex (t1) and luatex (otf); but I still haven't updated the texmf-subtree.. i have tested one of my bigger docs and all worked fine. also luatex runs without any problems (after i changed all encodings from iso-latin to utf-8). i feel like 'alice in wonderland' (disney's version), but are now too tired to follow the rabbit :D peter