Jan U. Hasecke schrieb am 01.10.18 um 10:47:
I get this error when I try to compile a pdf with:
\setupbackend[ format=PDF/X-3:2003, intent={ISO Coated v2 300\letterpercent\space (ECI)} ]
You need a comma after the right brace for the intent argument. When you take a closer look at the message you can see the profile name contains in your case both braces with a space at the end. backend > profiles > profile specification '{ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI)} ' not found in 'colorprofiles.xml, colorprofiles.lua' You can fix this with a comma after the argument \setupbackend[ format=PDF/X-3:2003, intent={ISO Coated v2 300\letterpercent\space (ECI)}, ] or by putting the right bracket after the argument \setupbackend [format=PDF/X-3:2003, intent={ISO Coated v2 300\letterpercent\space (ECI)}] to properly load the profile: backend > profiles > profile specification 'ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI)' loaded from '/Users/wolf/context/beta/tex/texmf-context/colors/icc/context/colorprofiles.xml' Wolfgang