3 Jan
3 Jan
1:56 a.m.
Hi, I was perusing an update to https://wiki.contextgarden.net/index.php?title=Framed&diff=next&oldid=35583 and noticed that the grey math was not properly aligned on the wiki page. But then I tried it on my system, and, worse yet, I found out that \setuppapersize[A5] \setupcolors[state=start] \def\graymath{\mframed[frame=off, background=color, backgroundcolor=gray, backgroundoffset=3pt]} \starttext \startformula {x^3\over3} - 2 \stopformula \stoptext creates a fraction that I would expect from {x^3\over3 - 2} Is this just my (newly updated) context, or has the year 2025 started off with a \over problem? Thanks. Jim