To solve my last asked question, I chose a somewhat easiert way and defined an own chapter-title, which is unnumbered. Here is my Minexample: \definehead[mychapter][chapter] \setuphead[mychapter][number=no] \setupcombinedlist[content] [list={mychapter, chapter, section}] \starttext \completecontent \mychapter{Vorwort} \chapter{First Chapter} \section{Some section in the first chapter} \chapter{Second chapter} \section{Some section in the second chapter} \stoptext The problem is now: Obviously the counter of mychapter and chapter is the same. Because "first chapter" begins with number 2, but should with 1 – that was the intention of this new chapter style, which is nothing but a unnumbered copy of the default chapter. Was that idea wrong? How to give chapter and mychapter their own counters, to achieve this result – or any other way to let "first chapter" begin with 1 (but not subtract 1 from the numbers, because that ends up in the first section "1.0". The first section of the first chapter should be numbered with "1.1", as usual). Huseyin