I had problems recently navigating the pragma-ade site. I use Slackware Linux but I also have Win 2000. Unfortunately the browsers haven't kept up with pdf navigation of sites, except for Internet Explorer. The others I tested, Konqueror, Opera, Mozilla, Lynx etc. cannot navigate the site because they use external plugins for interpreting pdf code, and the environment for those interpreters is local to my computer and not to pragma-ade.nl. (Lynx of course doesn't have pdf facilities at all.) It is possible to navigate through many Context pdf pages using the forward and back buttons as suggested by Hans but this facility is not universal. Formerly the pages gave a choice between html navigation and pdf navigation. If it is not feasible to restore this dual pattern then perhaps we need to find another solution. Even Windows user often do not want to use IE on line because of security reasons. And of course many present/potential Context users may have Linux or OS X as their base systems. If a change is made in this direction I would be happy to run my various browsers against the Pragma site to make sure everything works as expected. -- John Culleton