Hi all, I'm using private macro for title of section: \setuphead[section][command=\doTitle] and if I typeset inside this \doTitle#1#2 something like (test code): \vbox to 0pt{ \hsize=3cm \hbox{\vtop{#1}\vtop{#2}} \hbox{\vtop{X} \vtop{The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.}} \vss } I get two boxes -- the first (made from #1 and #2) NOT aligning the first lines of vtop's (#1 is higher) and the second, which is aligned as I expect -- both "X" and "The quick..." in the one "line". So I traced data coming into #2 and content of \vtop filled with it and I saw the #2 contains some vertical glue at the beginning. What should I do to avoid this behaviour? (excluding splitting of the resulting box using low level TeX primitives :-), have a nice day and thanks, Martin -------- Martin Kolarik Moravske Pristroje, a.s., Masarykova 1148, Zlin 76302 tel. +420 603 498 498, fax +420 577 107 171 web: http://www.mii.cz -------- e-mail: kolarik@mii.cz e-mail: kolarik@click.cz tel. +420 603 535 593