Am 16.11.2008 um 15:15 schrieb Alan STONE:
It doesn't work with the width=fit and width=middle options...
%\definelayout[mylayout][backspace=4cm,width=11cm] %\definelayout[mylayout][backspace=4cm,width=9cm] \definelayout[mylayout][backspace=5cm,cutspace=7cm,width=fit] %\definelayout[mylayout][backspace=3cm,width=middle]
\starttext \doifdimensionelse{\namedlayoutparameter{mylayout}{width}} {\ifdim\namedlayoutparameter{mylayout}{width}>10cm width > 10cm \else width < 10cm \fi} {\processaction [\namedlayoutparameter{mylayout}{width}] [fit=>fit, middle=>middle, unknown=>unknown width]} \stoptext
I hadn't tested the above code and wrote it from mind but here are two working solutions: This version checks first if width is 'middle' or 'fit' if the value is none of them it is treated as dimension. \doifinsetelse{\namedlayoutparameter{mylayout}{width}}{middle,fit} {\processaction [\namedlayoutparameter{mylayout}{width}] [ fit=>fit, middle=>middle, unknown=>unknown width]} {\ifdim\namedlayoutparameter{mylayout}{width}>10cm width > 10cm \else width < 10cm \fi} This version checks first if the value is a number and is this is wrong looks for a keyword. \doifnumberelse{\namedlayoutparameter{mylayout}{width}} {\ifdim\namedlayoutparameter{mylayout}{width}>10cm width > 10cm \else width < 10cm \fi} {\processaction [\namedlayoutparameter{mylayout}{width}] [ fit=>fit, middle=>middle, unknown=>unknown width]} Regards, Wolfgang