Hey list, I'm having trouble getting my book to build with nightly 2012.12.01 13:03. This is the error I am receiving: ! Math error: parameter \Umathquad\displaystyle is not set. \textmath ...\normalstartimath #1\normalstopimath \endgroup \fi \symb_place_indeed ...name \??symbol #1\endcsname \relax \endgroup \symb_place_retry ...name \symb_place_indeed {:#1} \else #1\fi \symb_place_normal_c ...lace_retry \currentsymbol \fi \symb_place_normal_b ...else \symb_place_normal_c \fi \symb_place_indeed ...name \??symbol #1\endcsname \relax \endgroup ... l.16 T o encourage contributors to refine their ideas, think them through, an... E ? You want to edit file Preface/Preface.tex at line 16 This is the file it is referring to. I don't see anything unusual on line 16: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~avaneya/avaneya/trunk/view/head:/Documentation... PS Please cc me, as I am not currently subscribed on the list currently. -- Kip Warner -- Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com