And can we get a subtitle structure so this is unnecessary? :-)
Why do you need to hide part of a title? It varies, but one common scenario is this: Here is a somewhat long title: this also has a long subtitle My point -- which Adam quoted in his original note -- was that I ought to be able to do this: \title{Here is a somewhat long title} \subtitle{this also has a long subtitle}
Stop! Don't mix these two requirements! A sample from the book I'm just setting (about the UNO): \Titel{Der Millenniumsgipfel 2000\NurLang{ -- \crlf Aufbruch in eine neue Ära}}% {Globalisierung braucht Kooperation statt Konfrontation} with \def\NurLang#1{\nomarking{\nolist{#1}}} \def\Untertitel#1{\blank[3pt]{\ss\bf #1}\blank} \def\Titel#1#2{\chapter{#1}\Untertitel{#2}} As you can imagine, my "Untertitel" (subtitle) is set somewhat smaller than the "Titel" (chapter), that's an optical structure. Nevertheless I must truncate the main title for the header line and the t.o.c. Grüßlis vom Hraban! -- www.fiee.net/texnique/ www.ramm.ch/context/