Am 07.06.2021 um 17:59 schrieb Hans Hagen
: On 6/7/2021 5:44 PM, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Am 07.06.2021 um 16:39 schrieb Hans Hagen
: Not that I know of ... but you can run wiht --keeptuc and see if there are differences in the tuc file that create some oscillation. Ok. Each run now creates 4 additional files: file_name-tuc-02.tmp file_name-tuc-03.tmp file_name-tuc-04.tmp file_name-tuc-05.tmp Is this right? indeed and you can compare them to get some clue about what changes
normally you get one so your style somehow triggers differences
Besides plenty of numbers that differ, there are also entire lines that differ: One frequent difference for examples is line 2 (macros) and 3 (randomseed) in this: utilitydata.job.variables.collected={ ["macros"]={}, ["randomseed"]=0x1.c14cd54cp-1, ["sectionblockorder"]={ "frontpart", "bodypart", "backpart" }, Another difference that pops up 1000 times is this line ["used"]="fit", in situation like this: utilitydata.structures.references.collected={ ["02"]={ ["*101"]={ ["metadata"]=678, ["references"]={ ["block"]="bodypart", ["internal"]=102, ["prefix"]="02", ["realpage"]=16, ["reference"]="*101", ["section"]=3, ["used"]="fit", ["view"]="fit", ["x"]=25526152, ["y"]=36448045, }, }, Does this help? PS: The entire problem began when I started using hyphenation-exceptions... Steffen