Dear Metafun Wizards, I have noticed some strange behaviour with box shading. It works OK until some number of shadings. Please see example: http://typokvitek.com/tmp/shade-many.pdf Any idea for solving? Next not-minimal but small and illustrative example can help. Thanks in advance Vit -------------------------------------------------------------------- \def\Log#1{% def log(expr Xstart, Xstop)= begingroup save x, y, D, w, P; pair D; path P; w := #1; w := w/2; D := unitvector(Xstop-Xstart) rotated 90; z1 = Xstart shifted (w*D); z2 = Xstop shifted (w*D); z3 = Xstop shifted (-w*D); z4 = Xstart shifted (-w*D); P := z1--z2{z2-z1}..{z4-z3}z3--z4{z4-z3}..{z2-z1}cycle; P endgroup enddef; } \def\ObdobiFrame#1#2{% def Rand(expr b) = (.5pt*(floor(uniformdeviate (2*b+1))-b)) enddef; path P; xBor := \overlaylinewidth; yBor := #1; yCor := 0pt; x11 = x14 = 0; x12 = x13 = \overlaywidth; y11 = y31 = \overlayheight-yBor+yCor + Rand(2*#2); y12 = y32 = \overlayheight-yBor+yCor + Rand(2*#2); y13 = y33 = yBor + Rand(1*#2); y14 = y34 = yBor + Rand(1*#2); x21 = x31 = xBor + Rand(6*#2); x24 = x34 = xBor + Rand(6*#2); x22 = x32 = \overlaywidth-xBor + Rand(6*#2); x23 = x33 = \overlaywidth-xBor + Rand(6*#2); y21 = y22 = \overlayheight+yCor; y23 = y24 = 0; fill (z31--z32--z33--z34--cycle) withcolor \MPcolor{\overlaycolor}; P:= log(z11,z12); linear_shade(P,8,(1,1,1),(0,0,0)); draw P; P:= log(z13,z14); linear_shade(P,8,(1,1,1),(0,0,0)); draw P; P:= log(z21,z24); linear_shade(P,5,(1,1,1),(0,0,0)); draw P; P:= log(z22,z23); linear_shade(P,5,(1,1,1),(0,0,0)); draw P; } \startuseMPgraphic{F} \Log{2.5pt}% \ObdobiFrame{3pt}{1}% \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[F][\uniqueMPgraphic{F}] \defineframed[F] [offset=2mm,rulethickness=.5mm,align={middle,lohi},strut=yes, backgroundcolor=gray,background=F,frame=off, ] \starttext \noindent\dorecurse{256}{\F{\recurselevel} } \stoptext ----------------------------------------------------------------