I am having a problem with the m-bib module, in that it does not seem to be handling crossrefs properly. For example, in my bibtex database I have the following entries: @inproceedings{ bos92sigs, author = "Jurjen N. E. Bos and David Chaum", title = "Provably Unforgeable Signatures", crossref={CRYPTO92}, pages = "1-14"} @proceedings{CRYPTO92, editor = {Ernest F. Brickell}, title = {12th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 16-20, 1992, Proceedings}, booktitle = {Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '92}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {740}, year = {1992}, isbn = {3-540-57340-2}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } if I cite bos92sigs in a LaTeX document, the following reference is produced: [3] Jurjen N. E. Bos and David Chaum. Provably unforgeable signatures. In Ernest F. Brickell, editor, Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 92, volume 740 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1-14. Springer, 1992. But ConTeXt + m-bib produce: [4] Jurjen N. E. Bos, and David Chaum, (1992). Provably unforgeable signatures. In [??], pages 1-14. What this looks like is that m-bib does not handle bibtex crossrefs properly; it tries to create another entry in the publication list and put a reference to that new entry in the crossrefrencing entries (although it did not add an entry for the CRYPTO 92 proceedings in my publication list...). What it should be doing (according to the bibtexing document) is supplying the missing entries (such as booktitle, publisher, etc.) to the crossreferencing entry, and then creating a new entry in the publication list only if the same item is crossref'ed by min-crossrefs (default=2) normal entries. Is this indeed the case? If so, is there a simple fix (e.g. some option that is not in the m-bib documentation)? Or is there some other bibliography package that handles bibtex crossrefs properly? Thanks, William D. Neumann --- "Well I could be a genius, if I just put my mind to it. And I...I could do anything, if only I could get 'round to it. Oh we were brought up on the space-race, now they expect you to clean toilets. When you've seen how big the world is, how can you make do with this? If you want me, I'll be sleeping in - sleeping in throughout these glory days." -- Jarvis Cocker