dr. Hans van der Meer mailto:havdmeer@ziggo.nl 29. Juni 2016 um 12:39
The above issue being solved, I guess there is something else in my setup not being as it should be. Because the code:
\starttext \setupbodyfont[lucidaot] {\sc abc} \stoptext
Does give me abc in smallcaps, but placing the \setupbodyfont before the \starttext surprisingly does not.
\setupbodyfont[lucidaot] \starttext {\sc abc} \stoptext
Changing the lucidaot call for cambria or lmodern gives the expected coorect behaviour. So I guess there is something amiss with how I did setup the lucida font in my system. I bought the lucida opentype font and installed my TeX trees as follows. The split between the ConTeXt directory and the one for my local files facilitates downloading new beta versions.
~home\TeX\texmf\ fonts opentype bh lucidaot LucidaBlackletterOT.otf .. LucidaSansTypewriterOT.otf tex context user (my own modules)
~home\Applications\TeX-programs\ context tex link to the above texmf further as downloaded from the beta
Strange thing furthermore is that changing the name of the lucidaot-directory in the texmf-tree does not seem to make any difference, not in any case when I execute "mtxrun --script font --reload --force" and afterwards "mtxrun --script context --make".
So I guess there are some things I did not right. Can that be spotted from the information given here? The typescript for Lucida Bright OT doesn’t set a font (or applies the smallcaps feature) to the \sc font switch.
To get small capitals you can now activate the "smcp" or "c2sc" features or you create your own typeface (the \definefontfamily command always sets a font for the \sc switch). \definefontfamily[lucidaopentype][rm][Lucida Bright OT] \definefontfamily[lucidaopentype][ss][Lucida Sans OT] \definefontfamily[lucidaopentype][tt][Lucida Sans Typewriter OT] \definefontfamily[lucidaopentype][mm][Lucida Bright Math OT] \setupbodyfont[lucidaopentype] \starttext {\rm\tf Upright, \it Italic, \bf Bold, \bi BoldItalic and \sc SmallCaps} {\ss\tf Upright, \it Italic, \bf Bold, \bi BoldItalic and \sc SmallCaps} {\tt\tf Upright, \it Italic, \bf Bold, \bi BoldItalic and \sc SmallCaps} \stoptext Wolfgang