On Sun, 2005-09-18 at 09:02 +0200, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
It sounds like perhaps you could have fixed this during the font import by using afm2pl instead of afm2tfm (afm2tfm has hardwired rules for the space factor, afm2pl has a switch that allows configuration by hand).
This is actually a true type font, so there was never an afm file. However, I do have a vpl which appears to be correct. Near the head, it contains: (FONTDIMEN (SLANT R 0.0) (SPACE R 0.48) (STRETCH R 0.0) (SHRINK R 0.0) (XHEIGHT R 0.4) (QUAD R 1.0) (EXTRASPACE R 0.48) ) All glphys are (CHARWD R 0.48)
But even with afm2tfm, a correct monospace font should have the correct value assigned. Perhaps the import process worth investigating?
That is very possible. After trying several approaches, I finally settled on writing my own importer. It 162 lines of very readable (I like to think) Bash scripting. I have included a compressed version.
What do I need to fix so that the default \def\normalspace{ } has the correct width for the current font?
Assuming the font is monospace, you can try this:
I will give that a try.
Below is an example file that renders fine with lm/cm, but not my font.
Out of curiosity, which font is it?
Courier Dot 15 CPI with minor tweaks
Stuart Jansen