On Wed, Feb 07, 2018 at 06:39:53PM +0100, Bahr Rudolf wrote:
Hello Contexteers!
Sometimes the necessity could arise to send data from lua to context and answers back to lua. I tried this by using "read" and "immediate\write" commands in context. These commands are described in chapter 21 and 22 of Donald E. Knuth's "The TeXbook".
My question is: Do there exist better and more simple solutions? Here is my WE which is admittedly a little bit ugly, but it works. Appended the pdf-output:
======================================================================== \starttext
tex.print("Here is lua.") tex.print(" ") tex.print("I'm sending some picture names to Context in order to get back their sizes.")
local imageA = "2007-01-01---Intro.png" local imageB = "2007-01-01---Neujahrsballade---1.png" local imageC = "2007-01-01---Neujahrsballade---2.png"
local f = assert(io.open("contextin.txt", "w")) f:write(imageA .. "\n" .. imageB .. "\n" .. imageC) f:close()
% -------------------------------------------------------------
\read15 to \zeileA \read15 to \zeileB \read15 to \zeileC
\vskip\lineheight ===================================================== \vskip\lineheight Here is \CONTEXT\ and what I got from Lua: \vskip\lineheight
\zeileA \\ \zeileB \\ \zeileC
\vskip\lineheight Now I'm working ... and write my answers to a file for lua: \\
\zeileA\ width=3000pt height=2000pt \\ \zeileB\ width=1200pt height=900pt \\ \zeileC\ width=1600pt height=1200pt \\
\immediate\write7{\zeileA\ width=3000pt height=2000pt \\} \immediate\write7{\zeileB\ width=1200pt height=900pt \\} \immediate\write7{\zeileC\ width=1600pt height=1200pt \\}
\vskip\lineheight ===================================================== \vskip\lineheight
% -------------------------------------------------------------
tex.print("Here is lua again and what I got back from Context:") tex.print(" ") tex.print(" ")
local f = assert(io.open("contextout.txt", "r")) local contexts_answer = f:read("*a") f:close()
Best regards,
Sorry, Donald E. Knuth's macros aren't in chapters 21 and 22, but in chapters 20 and 21! Rudolf