Am Fri, 25 Feb 2011 14:35:10 +0100 schrieb Hans Hagen:
As a new LuaTeX user, I came across the following problem: Using Lua(La)TeX, customized kerning of letter pairs (via the FeatureFile capability of fontspec) is ignored when it coincides with a possible hyphenation of a word (e.g. between 'f' and 'h' in German words like 'aufhalten'; see first minimal example below).
1. Lua(La)TeX
I cannot test that (I only have the context minimals installed) but I don't know anything about latex internals so it would be a wild guess. Maybe babel is interfering?
No, the problem exists also if you only load the german patterns.
In base mode kerning and and hyphenation happen in the traditional tex way, so there is not much extra trickery taking place.
Well, as you mention "base mode": This reminded me that I had to force base mode to get my reencoding to work in latex. So I tried in context + latex/luaotfload (with german hyphenation patterns): \font\test="name:TeX Gyre Bonum:mode=base:featurefile=bonum.fea;+kern" and \font\test="name:TeX Gyre Bonum:mode=node:featurefile=bonum.fea;+kern" And bingo: with mode=base it works in both formats, with mode=node the kern disappears. Without mode declaration the kern disappears in latex. So I think it isn't true that the manual of luaotfload claims "By default mode=base is used". -- Ulrike Fischer