Am 16.04.2012 um 13:03 schrieb Mari Voipio:
Hello all,
I'm trying to teach myself to use the project structure. After a few rounds of trial and error (...and stupid naming schemes...) I'm almost there, but got stuck at my font setups.
If I do this as a single file, it works fine (Win7 and newest ConTeXt, updated it this morning):
% FONT related setups \usemodule[simplefonts] % to get access to Calibri & Cambria, win ttf fonts
\starttypescript[Manuals] \definetypeface[Manuals] [rm] [serif] [cambria] [default] [rscale=0.95] \definetypeface[Manuals] [ss] [sans] [calibri] [default] [rscale=0.9] \stoptypescript
You load the simplefonts module but you don’t use it, instead you try to define a typescript the old. This can work when your Cambria and Calibri fonts have names with the following system: CAMBRIA.ttf, CAMBRIAI.TTF etc. When you want to use simplefonts to load the font you have to change your environment file to this: \startenvironment env-fonts-simplefonts \usemodule[simplefonts] % to get access to Calibri & Cambria, win ttf fonts \setmainfont[Cambria] \setsansfont[Calibri] \setupbodyfont[10pt,sans] \stopenvironment BTW: I can give a talk about typescripts and font loading at the next conference when there is interest in this. Wolfgang