2009/2/4 Yue Wang
Oh, Dohyun, if I said something wrong on Korean's typeface, please point out. I am not a native Korean speaker:)
There are many more free Korean fonts. Unfonts have good (but not excellent, frankly speaking) quality and are originated from Korean TeX community, so that Korean TeX users normally use unfonts "officially". Actually, however, they use other commercial or free fonts for really critical or private purposes. Moreover, recently, there's a noticeable trend in Korea for big private companies or local governments to release free fonts of high quality. Amongst them, "Nanum" fonts released by number one Korean portal site, Naver, are noteworthy. Serif and Sans series of Nanum fonts: http://hangeul.naver.com/index.nhn?goto=fonts#fonts Monospace series of Nanum fonts: http://dev.naver.com/projects/nanumfont These fonts are freely redistributable, as far as I know. I will introduce some more Korean free fonts of quality later on another occasion. Dohyun Kim