On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Zhaopeng Xing
wrote: Hi,
I have a multi-page nature table and tried to give a caption by \placetable[here][tab:sample]{sample table}{ A nature table here }
But it will run wrong. It seems multipage stuff can not be float. Is there any suggestion? Thanks.
You need the split parameter for \placetable.
\placetable [split] {A very long table} {\bTABLE \dorecurse{200}{\bTR\bTD Text \eTD\eTR} \eTABLE}
Wolfgang A following question is how to make caption work at all with arbitrary
mån 2008-06-09 klockan 11:12 +0200 skrev Wolfgang Schuster: table set, especially with the database module. I tested with this but with no caption at output. % engine=luatex \mainlanguage[sv] \usemodule[database] \defineseparatedlist [MyTable] [separator=tab, left=\bTD,right=\eTD, first=\bTR,last=\eTR, before=\bTABLE,after=\eTABLE] \starttext \placetable[split][tab:test-tabell]{En testad tabell} {\startMyTable $ \delta $ 45 23 11 $ \omega $ 22 67 88 \stopMyTable} \stoptext I suppose there is a slight different syntax to make this work! Thanks in advance! Jan-Erik Hägglöf