Mojca Miklavec
Adam Duck wrote:
So, I've stumbled across a problem: if you have only two authors in a BibTeX entry, cont-au.bst sets "AuthorA and AuthorB" which is -- IMHO -- unaccaptable for a german document. I had to manually edit cont-au.bst and change a line in /.../ from "and" to "und". Is there a cleaner way? If I typeset an english document now, I'll get an "und"...
Take a look at bibl-apa.tex and bibl-aps.tex.
Depending on what kind of citing you use, you may say something like \setupcite[authoryear][lastpubsep={ und }] and for all the other citing modes the same.
< 38 lines deleted by Adam Duck > Yes, this I've done and it works. But that's not the problem I was referring to. `lastpubsep' is used if you have more than one paper to refer to in the same \cite-command (\cite[paperA,paperB]) but it is _not_ used if a paper has only two authors (\cite[paperC]). I've seen some language specific functions in geralpha.bst. Perhaps I should dive into it a bit... But I don't really understand bst-syntax :). bye, Adam.