Hello, a half-philosophical question (not too relevant). I was wondering: what color exactly is the "screen" (\framed[background=screen]{...})? Or is it a special effect maybe? I know that using it has long been deprecated, but I used it in many older documents as it was easiest to remember without having to think what shade of gray to use to make the highlights in document come out nice. But I just figured out that it became invisible on my screen. One can still see it very very faintly if computer screen is under some weird angle, but a normal glimpse shows nothing. When printed it usually comes out with a rather high contrast. (It may be that I have just changed screen contrast by accident.) I was trying to find the revent line with color, but I don't find it. I noticed grph-fig.mkii: \c!backgroundscreen=.8, but 0.8 is definitely higher that used in documents by default. Thanks, Mojca