Hi all! I have a well-defined project with its products, components and environment file. The structure works and all that, so my problem that I am going to describe below is not there. In my document structure, each product corresponds to one Part. My environment file defines no header whatsoever for the very first page of a Part section (header=high). When a Part is in the frontmatter, the header does not disappear. When the same part is in the bodymatter, it works -- the header is not there. Here is my main project file when I attempt to test exactly that, with only two parts (no need for more at the moment): \startproject These \environment env_these \startfrontmatter \product prod_liminaire \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \product prod_liminaire \product prod_p1 \stopbodymatter \stopproject The product called "prod_liminaire" currently contains my title page only. I do know that doing exactly the above makes no sense, but like I said I did that only to test out the problem. So, when I compile this, prod_liminaire has a header in the frontmatter, but it has NO header in the bodymatter. It's the very same file to the very last byte, only in a different sectionblock. And it behaves differently. What's wrong? I'm really at loss over this. I obviously want no header in the frontmatter Parts, that's where my product prod_liminaire normally goes. Thanks in advance! Any help is appreciated, as always! Jeff Smith