On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 10:09:47AM +0100, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
I did a quick test, and the transfig mp code starts with this nice (!) block of verbatimtex:
% +MP-ADDITIONAL-HEADER verbatimtex %&latex \documentclass{article} \begin{document} etex % -MP-ADDITIONAL-HEADER
It looks configurable-ish, but I do not feel like experimenting without a proper test case.
I tried exporting to metapost inside xfig aswell yesterday, leading to
similar results as posted above.
I found out that XFig uses a small shell script called 'fig2dev' to do
all the exporting to other formats. This script supports an option '-o'
to use plain TeX.
I tried \input'ing the resulting .mp file into my ConTeXt-file:
\input ../figures/bar.fig
\placefigure[here][fig:foo]{A small test}{
This, however, doesn't work and shows the figure as 'undefined' in the
My current solution now is to convert the XFig file to MetaPost with
fig2dev and use mptopdf.
Regards, Florian.
PS: Sorry for the duplicate message, Taco. I forgot to CC to the list.
Florian Unglaub