Am 19.03.2012 um 09:38 schrieb Meer, H. van der:
I just bought the new Lucida font from TUG and installed it in my local texmf under fonts/opentype/bh/lucidaot/ Then I did: mtxrun --generate mtxrun --script font --reload to be sure the new install will be picked up by ConTeXt mkiv.
I think I did read somewhere that mkiv will prefer otf above pfb files, if these otfs are present.
It’s the users decision which font should be chosen because each font has a unique name and when you want a automatic replacement (like for latin modern and computer modern in mkii) you have to tell this the system.
However, after running \setupbodyfont[lucida,10pt] the log shows the old pfb's used: instead of an otf?
What could have happended? What am I doing wrong?
By the way I do not see the lucida math fonts in the package. Are these missing?
The new version of the lucida fonts use different names for the typescript, we have now: - “lucida” for the old type1 version, - “lucidaot” for the new opentype version and - “lucidanova” as alternative name for the opentype version. Wolfgang