Am 28.06.2009 um 23:12 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
Hallo Wolfgang! ;-)
Since my old letter and CV environment doesn't work anymore in MkIV, I'm trying to reproduce it with t-letter.
At the moment I struggle with the reference keys:
\setupletterstyle[reference][ alternative=d, list={name,street,city,,phone,skype,email,,date}, ]
Interesting way to insert empty lines, I never thought about this method and use myself the special key 'line' to insert a empty line.
\setupletter[name,street,phone,date,skype,email][ separator={: }, titlestyle={\ss\tfxx}, ]
The keys street, city and skype aren't defined in your module.
There is *no* predefined keys (except line in the reference line) for \setupletter in my module.
I found where the other keys are defined (and I guess I could mine in or use a similar approach in my environment), but I'm clueless, where the translation comes from - I grepped eg. after "Telefon" without results, and I think I looked into every file of your module.
I guess it would be interesting how to define your own keys, maybe some IM adresses etc., also for other users. Would it be possible to use unknown keys just unchanged? I.e. if I say
I don't define keys in my module, I set only labels for the text in the left column which can be find in the file 'label.nle', to get a text for skype, street etc. put the following lines in your document (or add them to label.nle and send me the extended list): \setuplabeltext[de][letter:skype=Skype] \setuplabeltext[de][letter:street=Stra\ssharp e] \setuplabeltext[de][letter:city=Ort] % or Stadt ... ...
\setupletter[ Skype={fiee.visuelle} ]
to get just "Skype: fiee.visuelle"?
TeX is case sensitive, write 'skype=fiee.visuelle".
More questions will follow... I'll try to get my logo at the right place by myself before...
The module provides a few layers you can use to position your graphic. \setupletterstyle [lettermain] [hoffset=..cm, voffset=..cm, symbol={\externalfigure[...]}, state=repeat] % repeat=place on each page, start=only on first page, ... Wolfgang