On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Wolfgang Schuster
Am 09.04.2009 um 23:44 schrieb luigi scarso:
\unprotect% \currentlayerheight=\dimexpr\csname @@llTicketSummaryheight\endcsname\relax% \currentlayerwidth=\dimexpr\csname @@llTicketSummarywidth\endcsname\relax% \protect%
why unprotect/protect
and why so many '%'?
unecessary -- quick cut and paste from other code -- but not wrong, prevent spurios spaces
\edef\currentlayerheight{\csname @@llTicketSummaryheight\endcsname}% \edef\currentlayerwidth {\csname @@llTicketSummarywidth\endcsname}%
\setbox\Content=\vbox{\hsize=\currentlayerwidth% \bold{Client Name:} \\ Acme Corporation \\ \bold{Location of Work:} Main warehouse }% \ht\Content=\currentlayerheight%
why not \vbox to \currentlayerheight
yes I mean \ht\Content=\currentlayerheight% \dp\Content=0pt%
! You can't use `\dimexpr' in restricted horizontal mode. l.12 \currentlayerheight=\dimexpr \csname @@llTicketSummaryheight\endcsname\r... ?
\newdimen checks for the existence of a control sequence
the point is that on minimals-beta there is an error, on minimals no , but xpdf says Error: ExtGState 'Tr0' is unknown Error: ExtGState 'Tr0' is unknown Error: ExtGState 'Tr0' is unknown Error: ExtGState 'Tr0' is unknown Error: ExtGState 'Tr0' is unknown The code is not wrong -- maybe a bit strange Also this is ok in minimals fails in minimals-beta, and I think It's legal code, but I can fail . \newdimen\currentlayerheight \starttext \currentlayerheight=\dimexpr 12pt +0pt\relax% \the\currentlayerheight \stoptex\newdimen\currentlayerheight -- luigi