Dear Wolfgang,
I couldn’t figure out what relation is there between Theorems and Exam. The numbers are correct with the latest beta.
mtx-context | current version: 2019.02.10 17:43
You are right. The example which I sent last time had no problem in numbers. I checked it by adding definitions one by one and finally found the reason. One line in my environment file cause the problem. \setupenumeration[alternative=serried,width=broad,distance=0.5em] Also, I found very strange phenomena that it depends on the order of appearance of that line. That is, it is OK if the command \setupenumeration… before the \defineenumeration[Exam], but if the command \setupenumeration… after the \defineenumeration[Exam] cause the problem. After change the order of appearance such a commnad in my environment file, the numbers of Exam are correct. Now, I have to find the other possible changes. Please run the following code changing the location of the commnad “\setupenumeration…”. Thank you so much. Best regards, Dalyoung %%%%%%%%%%%% general setting for enumerations:Exam,Theorem,Lemma,Definition \setupenumeration[alternative=serried,width=broad,distance=0.5em] %%%%%%%%%%%%% \setupwhitespace[medium] \defineenumeration[Exam] [text={\white\translate[en=Example, kr=예제]}, numbercommand={\inframed[corner=round, framecolor=dYellow,toffset=-1pt,boffset=-1pt, loffset=1ex,roffset=1ex, background=color,backgroundcolor=blue]}, %height=1.3em, title=yes, prefix=yes, prefixsegments=chapter, way=bychapter, before={\blank}, after=\blank] \setupbodyfont[rm, 11pt] \starttext \dorecurse{3}{ \startchapter[title={Chapter Title}] \startExam We call it \index{OneTwo}{\bf OneTwo} \stopExam \startExam We call it \index{OneTwo}{\bf OneTwo} \stopExam \stopchapter } \page \placeindex \stoptext %%%%%%%%%