On Jun 7, 2009, at 2:12 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
ok, fixed in the beta
the problem is that the old code was somewhat crippled as it uses this two step method (determine and usage) due to expansion issues
in the current beta mkiv code we can do:
\setuphead [section] [after=\setups{section:after}, expansion=yes]
\startsetups section:after \ifodd\namedheadnumber{section}\relax \resetSlideNumber\incrementSlideNumber \else \incrementSlideNumber \fi \blank \stopsetups
btw, you misuse 'command' which in turn has side effects; use after instead
OK, thanks a lot Hans! Have replaced "command" with "after"; now my test document compiles cleanly. Two questions though: \nextSlideNumber used to simply expand to "2" "3" etc. Now I get "SlideNumber 1.2" "SlideNumber 1.3." How can I get the old behavior back? And: I'm doing this in xml documents, and here, the counter is not reset. I assume you want a new example document :-) All best Thomas