21 Dec
21 Dec
3:12 p.m.
Radhelorn wrote:
Hello all!
I've tried to fit wide table (with paragraphs and vertical lines) into page width. Following example don't work as expected:
\SetTableToWidth{\textwidth} \starttable[|p|p|] \HL \VL foo foo foo foo foo foo \VL bar bar bar bar bar bar \VL\AR \HL \stoptable
Text in columns formatted as if table was not widened. What did I miss here?
table is not that clever -) \SetTableToWidth{\textwidth} \starttable[|p(.45\textwidth)|p(.45\textwidth)|] \HL \VL foo foo foo foo foo foo \VL bar bar bar bar bar bar \VL\AR \HL \stoptable \stoptext
BTW, how to fit text into a small box if I don't care about where word breaks?
can you explain that a bit more? Hans