Hi, I discovered some issues with the legend mechanism. 1) A newline after \startplacelegend fails: \starttext \startplacelegend \startcontent Foo \stopcontent \startcaption Bar \stopcaption \stopplacelegend \stoptext 2) location != top | bottom throws “Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph”: \starttext \startplacelegend [location=left] \startcontent Foo \stopcontent \startcaption Bar \stopcaption \stopplacelegend \stoptext 3) tabulate inside the content fails when not boxed: \starttext \startplacelegend [location=left] \startcontent \starttabulate \NC Alpha \NC Beta \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stopcontent \startcaption Bar \stopcaption \stopplacelegend \stoptext Just reporting, nothing which needs to be fixed before EuroTeX. Marco