21 Mar
21 Mar
6:40 p.m.
Hi, One more question on formulas. How can I get the formula number to be put into the left/right margin instead of left/right inside the text? I have tried the following: \starttext \showframe % figure caption into the margin \setupcaption[figure][location={rightmargin}] \startplacefigure[title=Cow] \externalfigure[cow] \stopplacefigure % this makes the formulanumber disappear % \setupformulas[location={rightmargin}] \startplaceformula[reference=eq1,location={rightmargin}] \startformula c^2 = a^2 + b^2 \stopformula \stopplaceformula \stoptext But the setupformulas will make the number disappear entirely, and the placeformula location doesn't seem to take the margin option. Thanks, Adam