23 Mar
23 Mar
11:45 a.m.
2007/3/19, Thomas A. Schmitz
On Mar 19, 2007, at 4:46 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Nice try, but no cigar :-) Even with \setuplabeltext[deo][...], it still gobbels the periods after the converted numbers. Strange... Thanks for your help, Aditya!
Hi Thomas, there problem is related to all languages that are defined as synonyms for other languages, this means the same happens for uk and us. I found a solution by changing the definition from \defaultlanguage in lang-ini.tex. Add the next macro to your document. \def\defaultlanguage#1% {\ifcsname\??la#1\c!default\endcsname #1% \else \csname\??la#1\c!default\endcsname \fi} Wolfgang