Rudd, Kevin schrieb am 09.09.2020 um 00:30:
Thanks. The immediate goal is to make a ”quad chart” w/ different pains in the four (2x2 => NW, NE, SW, SE) quadrants. It seemed that the concept was scalable to any NxM (even with multi-cell spreads---useful for larger structured posters) based on TABLE. But I'd settle for 2x2 at the moment; at one point I'd thought of 2x2+1 having a spanning block for publication references per slide but decided a separate publications slide was a better idea visualy..
If they have to see an end command, would before/after tags work around a framedtext or buffer structure?
1. 2x2 panes, layout order not important, all panes independent; no flow (like Framemaker used to do) requiredbetween panes. 2. was going to have inner frames (i.e. + frame for 2x2 which was trivial to specify in TABLE) to separate the panes 3. other than wanting the + frame, inner margins &c. for panes wsn't an issue either way.
When you need one than single block per line this definition \define\startPaneRow{bTR\bTD} \define\stopPaneRow{\eTD\eTR} doesn't make sense because you limit yourself and after each table cell there is a new row. While you can write code which moves your blocks around you should ask yourself the question is it worth it. When you have only two or three posters in this format use the extra commands for table rows and cells because it takes more time to write something which does the work. Wolfgang