On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 2:19 PM, Giuseppe Fierro <giuseppe@fierro.org> wrote:
I'm a civil engineer and I like to use ConTeXt to write my report etc.
As engineer i use a lot of units in my writing and the \unit command works nice with this.

What I need is a new unit, a quadratic unit like this:
Area Moment of Inertia - Metric units mm4 cm4 m4

This kind of units are quite common in civil engineer.

This is an example of what i want in ConTeXt

 \unit{230.00 m^2}

 \unit{230.00 m^3}

 \unit{230.00 m^4}

Thank you
Giuseppe Fierro

\def\Quartic   {\dimensionpower{4}}

Area Moment of Inertia is {10 \Quartic \Meter}  or

Area Moment of Inertia is {10 \Quartic \Deci\Meter}  or

Area Moment of Inertia is {10 \Quartic \Centi\Meter}  or

Area Moment of Inertia is {10 \Quartic \Milli\Meter}  or
%% watch the space !

Area Moment of Inertia is 10 \Quartic \Meter\  or

Area Moment of Inertia is 10 \Quartic \Meter  or


I will be there.
