On 2014-03-06 05:38, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 3/6/2014 12:00 AM, Rik Kabel wrote:
On 2014-03-05 10:54, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 05.03.2014 um 16:18 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster
mailto:schuster.wolfgang@gmail.com>: Am 05.03.2014 um 16:07 schrieb Rik Kabel
mailto:context@rik.users.panix.com>: striplong
It would be nice if striplong worked, but the example fails when string.striplong is used in place of string.strip. The log says:
! LuaTeX error [string "\directlua "]:1: attempt to call field 'striplong' (a nil value) stack traceback: [string "\directlua "]:1: in main chunk.
Is the format of the call different than shown in the wiki, or is a different mechanism required to quote a potentially long string?
The name of the function is “strings.striplong”.
This should be “utilities.strings.striplong” but it has no effect because when take a look at the saved string in Lua you can see that blank lines are removed from the text.
Indeed. This does build without error, but the utilities.strings.striplong result is worse than the string.strip result, with some additional whitespace at the end of the test string from the earlier example.
the definition of 'worse' depends on expectations and given the fact that in tex a newline or two newlines in a row have a different meaning it is just a guess what you want to achieve
anyway, the next beta will have
local str = table.concat( { " ", " aap", " noot mies", " ", " ", " zus wim jet", "zus wim jet", " zus wim jet", " ", }, "\n")
[[aap noot mies
zus wim jet zus wim jet zus wim jet]]
utilities.strings.striplines(str,'prune and collapse'):
[[aap noot mies
zus wim jet zus wim jet zus wim jet]]
utilities.strings.striplines(str,'prune and no empty'):
[[aap noot mies zus wim jet zus wim jet zus wim jet]]
[[ aap noot mies
zus wim jet zus wim jet zus wim jet ]]
utilities.strings.striplines(str,'retain and collapse'):
[[ aap noot mies
zus wim jet zus wim jet zus wim jet ]]
utilities.strings.striplines(str,'retain and no empty'):
[[ aap noot mies zus wim jet zus wim jet zus wim jet ]]
so you can choose what you like
indeed, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Thank you for the flexible solution that allows each of us to find beauty. Could you please ensure that this handles text in buffers the same way that it handles other strings? I noticed that this is handled a bit differently, as the following shows,but perhaps it is my clumsy coding. The buffer result is closer to what I expect in terms of internal whitespace, but still does not show expected trimming of leading and trailing whitespace. That trimming, of course, is the point of the exercise. \def\StringsStripLong#1% {\ctxlua{context(utilities.strings.striplong([==[#1]==]))}} \def\StringStrip#1% {\ctxlua{context(string.strip([==[#1]==]))}} \startbuffer[testbuffer] B This is a test. And it has an unexpected result. \stopbuffer \long\def\testmacro{ M This is a test. And it has an unexpected result. } \starttext \subject{Lua string.strip passed TeX buffer} ¦\StringStrip{\getbuffer[testbuffer]}¦ \subject{Lua string.strip passed TeX macro} ¦\StringStrip{\testmacro}¦ \subject{Lua utilities.strings.striplong passed TeX buffer} ¦\StringsStripLong{\getbuffer[testbuffer]}¦ \subject{Lua utilities.strings.striplong passed TeX macro} ¦\StringsStripLong{\testmacro}¦ \stoptext -- Rik